states man and lawyer signed all state pappers.
states man and lawyer signed all state pappers.
Emily Geiger’s mission was to deliver a message to General Sumter and she almost got caught then she did get caught.She finally arrives at sumters camp.Sybil Ludington was daughter of general Ludington and she just wanted to fight. Now Deborah Samson was an indetured servant for 7 years. she joined the battle as Robert Shirtliff.She got shot and is worried that the docter will find out so she tells him anyway. She sends the general a message and the general said he would not kill hre because if ladies are caught in battle they are killed.and she goes back in to fight again.Captain molly lived near fort washington and was a good artillary mate. One day the british fired at the fort and hit her housband. She starts trying to laod the cannon but she get’s shot but she is good.